
There's a great new interview with Steve Cotter up and I learn a little more every time I listen to him speak. This time around he talked a bit about the mental aspects of training and how those lessons learned in the gym can be applied to your everyday life. Mental toughness and building fortitude aren't things that we can access so easily, at least for most of us. The gym can be a dojo where we go to practice and hone that toughness.

Steve also made clear that health has to be the basis of our system for it to be sustained long term. Kettlebells are something that can be done into old age because they don't harm your health. I recently saw a list of Girevoy sport competitors in Russia that were able to still put up amazing numbers even at advanced ages.

He also talked about the Turkish getup, training with bands, what he personally trains, etc.

Check it out for some great insights.
