At first I was dead set against using gloves in class. "You should improve your technique" and all that was my usual answer. But I've slowly changed my mind on this. Couple of reasons.
First of all, I'm seeing women that want to do the kettlebells more but their hands are starting to slow them down. Some want to come 4 days a week. With them, hand conditioning is an issue. If the only thing holding them back is their hands, then I'm going to bend on the no glove thing.
Second, when I push myself in terms of numbers or time I inevitably run into hand issues. Of course the natural response is I should improve my technique and I'm trying. But pushing yourself on timed sets means you will confront hand issues. There's no way around it. And looking around the KB community, I feel this issue is being ignored a bit. Tearing up your hands seems to be the norm. No thanks. It's gets in the way of teaching for me. I can't teach with torn up hands.
I'm thinking of adding some dumbbell sets as assistance to my protocols because my dumbbells have padded handles. It helps to build numbers and time. But adding gloves every now and then might help me too.
One student told me about New Grips in the clip above and the clip put some of my fears to rest. This might be the product to get.
So IMO if you need the glove to improve number while technique catches up then maybe it's okay.
P.S. Yes, i have the articles on hand conditioning over at DD, etc. so no need to remind me of them. I think they cover part of the problem but not completely.