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I'm re-reading Tom Kurz' Science of Sports Training because I'm better able to understand the concepts after having gotten my NASM cert. If you haven't read the book and want something that is way more technical about setting up training programs than the average book but isn't quite a real textbook on the subject, then Kurz' book is exactly what you need. Don't look for a cookie-cutter program through. Kurz lays out the basics and gives you the tools to do it yourself. But this is waaaay beyond the average lifting/exercise book so be warned.

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EDT is escalating density training. Pick one or two exericeses that you can do for about 4-5 reps each and then do as many short sets of them as you can in 20 minutes. The goal is to increase the volume you do in those 20 minutes. For a good longer article on it, go here.

Charles Staley came up with this and he has a whole bunch of stuff on the program but it's pretty simple to figure out.

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Be the flow by Coach Scott Sonnon

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Which workout program to choose? Which path to follow? We can talk about science this and that or quote famous authors on what we are supposed to do. But when it comes right down to it, I pick a path because I like how it makes me feel.

How you feel after a workout or how you feel the next day is an often over-looked and certainly under-rated measure of a workout. Now I'm not talking training athletes here nor am I myself an athlete. And yes, we need to train things that make us uncomfortable and work on our weaknesses. All of that is granted.

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他是Steve Cotter. 真的很厲害. 他在做伏虎功,這個運動從神龍唐手道來的.神龍唐手道是很厲害的台灣功夫.是洪懿祥

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At least they did with me and I didn't see them. Two problems recently solved by cheap, common-sensical solutions that I couldn't see for the life of me.

One: kettlebells come in 4kg increments and that's a hell of a jump sometimes. I was thinking of buying kettlebells in 2kg increments, something that would make my supplier extremely happy and me extremely poor. So what was the glaringly obvious solution? Wrist weights.

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Silk reeling was mentioned on a message board and below are my thoughts on it.

These movements are helpful for taichi but there's another take on the jins -- chousijin. It means pulling silk instead of reeling silk. Yang style uses more pulling and Chen uses more reeling. The pulling silk doesn't use overt winding in expressing the powers so the moves look straighter. You usually start with either one of these and then advance to the other one. Just mentioning this because over the years i've seen Yang style get trashed as worthless because they aren't using obvious chousijin like Chen style in the clip.  

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Original here:

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I consider myself a functional fitness guy and since I'm doing kettlebells a lot, I guess that's a given. But the functional fitness community really likes to throw stuff under the train sometimes. Take this dumb idea that ab flexion isn't functional, for example.

First of all, one of the primary functions of the rectus abdominus is flexion, right or wrong? Let's just keep it simple with no hemming and hawing. The answer is right, so please explain to me how then ab flexion is somehow non-functional? How can a natural function of a muscle be non-functional?

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These two halves of me are at war with each other. Again. Kettlebells will always be my specialty but should I get a power rack, dumbbells, and an Olympic set of weights to round out my gym? Are kettlebells enough long term? Do I miss out on people that might want to do personal training with me without kettlebells?

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Don't tell my wife. Haha. Actually, her English name is Cindy so she wouldn't mind. But I'm referring to the Crossfit workout by the name of Cindy:

brfjqzbn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Wow, I had no idea. Very impressive.

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There are so many myths out there regarding health and fitness. Here's my pass at a few of them.

First of all, thin does not necessarily equal health and it sure doesn't automatically equal fitness.

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Short on time these days so here's a quick post of the workout I did yesterday.

100 jumps on the rope

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A while back, Time Magazine published one of the worst articles I've ever read in a mainstream publication: Why Exercise Won't Make you Thin. Time is in every doctor and dentist's office in America ironically so we'll have to deal with this nonsense for years to come. Way to go, guys.

Basically the author talks about how he exercises all the time and doesn't lose weight. Reading the article, I had a lot of geewhiz-I-wonder-why moments. Look at these quotes:

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On one of the fitness boards I post on, a person asked a question about a trainer. They said they wanted to train with this person because he got good results. But the trainer was well-known for making everyone go through a period of stabilization training. But the person asking for some reason didn't want to do that type of training because she thought it was worthless (based on her one year of experience working out at a gym, no less).

To my surprise, many people got on there and gave her advice on how to argue against the training, even trainers gave her tips against it.

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5 pullups

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Steroid use is more rampant than most people realize, especially in places that bill themselves as being hardcore. So let's say you're interested in weightlifting and you go to a forum or website and pick up a program that looks good or you approach the hardest core guy in your gym.

Let me ask you this: if someone is telling you that a certain volume of weightlifting is doable based on their experience, then wouldn't you want to know if that person is or has been on drugs?

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Charles Staley has a couple of great articles on this topic.

Think about it for a minute: isn't there a difference between constantly wanting to lose weight and get in shape versus just doing the activity because you love it? Sure there is, and yet so many of us get caught looking constantly at the scale and pinching our waists.

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